Friday, November 1, 2024

The DIY Light Box, version 1

 At Virtual Breyerfest, one of the things I did was watch all the workshops, how-to sessions, and seminars I could fit in.  One was about making a DIY light box from a cardboard box, tracing paper, and some office supplies.  I watched twice and took notes, and then let it percolate for a while.  I did stash a couple of large boxes over the summer, and ordered a roll of tracing paper from Amazon since the local Michaels & Jo-Ann Fabric didn't have any.  Last week, I googled some more blogs on DIY light boxes and found another similar version, since I misplaced my notes.  


Step one - assemble components

 I got motivated last week and rounded up all the parts, after reading the how-to blog again.  Very large box, wooden yardstick, utility knife, pencil, tape, tracing paper, and scissors.

 The Breyerfest version didn't include a roof/lid, but I thought I'd leave it for stability.  

Cut windows in the sides and roof

I left a good margin of cardboard all around, for structural integrity and to give me something to tape the paper to. 

Add tracing paper

Measured and cut the tracing paper, tacked it down with scotch tape, then trimmed it up and taped it with box tape for sturdiness.

Cell phone shot

Canon Powershot



The test run was on the dining room table, with a bankers lamp on either side, and the dining room light overhead.  Took pictures with iPhone (SE2) and the camera (Canon Powershot A2200).  The phone does better with white balance for quick shots, but it's eternally out of free space.  The camera has Macro mode and other nifty things, but I'll have to remember how to tweak the white balance.  I also need more light, especially overhead.  I found an Ottlite floor light at the local auction this week and won it for a good price, so that's going to help the lighting issue.  It might make the white balance a little more difficult though - the camera has WB presets but I may need to do a custom WB instead. 

And that's the first installment of the DIY light box saga.  This will be a lot better than the cluttered, distracting pics I usually take on the office desk, with keyboards, computer monitors, and other stuff in the background.  It needs a little work on the backdrop, and I probably need to find a larger box for Trad-scale photos.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Second Chance horses

 UPS has dropped off three boxes in the last two days.  My luck was not great - no green clearware Surprise, but I got a chestnut sabino to go with the bay pinto.  Second Wild Things was not the green version, either.  But, my Fight Song is the variant without a base, so there's that.  

The final list: 

  1. Quagga A
  2. Quagga B
  3. Surprise A - dark bay overo matte, run of 950
  4. Surprise B - chestnut sabino matte, run of 950 (the greenware was a run of 650)
  5. This is My Fight Song - the baseless variant was a run of 875, the "normal" variant is a run of 1,625
  6. Wild Things A - both the normal chestnut run of 1,950 (the green variant is a run of 1,050
  7. Wild Things B 
  8. Percy A & B
  9. Athenian Lady 
  10. Blue Zeus 
  11. Just Like Fire, the Classic
  12. Better than Revenge, the fruit-stripe Fjord
  13. the 4-pack of single-day Stablemates in deco dapples
  14. the 5-piece Best of Breyerfest SM set 

Holy cow, maybe I need to spend less at BFest.  Eight Traditionals, 11 Stablemates, a Classic, and two plushies.   

Also.  I get that Breyer is using this waffleweave paper instead of bubble wrap, to try and be more eco-friendly.  But when the packers don't expand the waffle paper, and it's just left flat, it offers crap all in the way of protection.  They can do better.




Monday, August 26, 2024

Breyer's Second Chance Breyerfest sale

 One of the reasons for buying a Breyerfest ticket even if I can't go in person, is that it gives me access to their online second-chance sale later on.  This year's leftovers sale was last week, and I managed to be online and make not one, not two, but three orders.  Multiple orders were a thing because of their limit of two SRs per order.  

Order 1 - I Will Survive (the quagga) and Fight Song (the new rearing mold).  Fight Song has sold out, but Survive is still available (odd, given the prices on the Caves of Lascaux horse from a previous BF)

This is My Fight Song facing left 


Order 2 - The Wild Things SM (hoping for the variant) and a second Surprise (I really want a green one), plus the commemorative program.


Order 3 - a second I Will Survive, a second plush Percy, and a second commemorative program - I think I was planning to use these as trade fodder, or just to sell to someone who missed out on the BF sales.  


I Will Survive facing left 

Can't wait for these guys to show up.

Friday, July 26, 2024

First Breyer shipment is here

 The first shipment finally arrived.  

Athenian Lady is here.  The white spot on the top of her rump is intentional, by the way.  

Still waiting for the rest of the horses.  May be a while.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Breyerfest shipments

 The Breyerfest shipments are starting to happen.  They seem to be shipping everything separately so far.  I've got Percy the plush on the way, and the 4-piece Stablemate set in another shipment.  At least they aren't charging per shipment. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Breyerfest 2024 is done

 Breyerfest is over for the year.  

I got my two top picks for the Special Runs - the Surprise horse and the Fruit Stripe sport pony.  Can't wait for them to get here.  And the Breyer Store was in good shape this year - it went live on time, didn't crash, and I managed to do all my purchases in two orders and 15 minutes.  I also managed to resist the temptation to buy a second Wild Things in hopes of getting the green variation. 

I spent a few hours watching the seminars, especially Lesli Kathman's color genetics and Jenn Danza's repair class.  Then I watched a couple of workshops.  They're available online until the end of the month, so I'll need to watch them again and take more notes.  

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Breyerfest is coming!

 I've got a virtual ticket for Breyerfest again this year.  Tomorrow I'll find out which two Special Runs I get to buy.  I'm hoping for the fruit-stripe Fjord, and for the second one I'm open to anything.  Was wanting the pinto on the new rearing mold, but you had to get an in-person ticket to have a chance at that one.  Oh well.  

Just got an email from Breyer that the Celebration Horse has been shipped.  I hope they are planning to ship all our other purchases together again this year.  



Friday, June 28, 2024

The Annual Hagen-Renaker find

 This week was my annual Hagen-Renaker find.  About once a year, I come across a HR or two at an estate sale or auction or something.  Usually minis, although I keep hoping for a nice Design Workshop Swaps or Kelso, or the large Zara or something. This year, it was an auction lot at the consignment auction, for a mirrored tray and about 20 ceramic animals.  Mostly cats and dogs, but hidden in the back, a pair of Hagen-Renaker mini drafts in harness.  I drove down to the auction site to pick them up on Wednesday.  It was a nice drive, but some roads that I would not want to drive in bad weather.   The rest of the animals are nice, mostly made-in-China or made-in-Japan, most likely, but the horses are in fact Hagen-Renakers, and are mint.  No broken legs or anything. 

So cute!  I'll have to put a Breyer G1 Drafter next to them in the curio cabinet.

Friday, June 21, 2024

A blog to follow

 Add this to the blogroll when you remember how to do that

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2023 partial wrap-up

 So, 2023 is over.  What happened?  Lots of things. 

  • I got a Hartland Lady Jewel, although she's a custom done in acrylics that I plan to strip eventually.  Hopefully the original paint is decent.  
  • Got extremely lucky at an auction and won two vintage Hagen-Renakers, a large Honora and a Laying Fez, at wildly cheap prices.  Same auction lots also had a Mortons horse, a knock-off of a HR Crusader with sequin eyes, and assorted other things. 
  • The big estate sale find was a pair of Art Deco ceramic animals (a gazelle and a ram, or something) and a clear acrylic Manning Modernistic Doe that I almost missed.  
  • I did Virtual Breyerfest again, and had a friend pick up my SRs while she was there in person.  I got Nemea and Scurry, Buggy, two Studebakers (neither were blue), and the SM sets.  

For next year, I rejoined the Stablemates and Vintage Clubs.  Was going to skip the VC for financial reasons, but they're doing a night light next year and I couldn't resist.  

Goals for 2024 include selling off some duplicates, continuing the organization goal, and getting some more photo showing prep done.