UPS has dropped off three boxes in the last two days. My luck was not great - no green clearware Surprise, but I got a chestnut sabino to go with the bay pinto. Second Wild Things was not the green version, either. But, my Fight Song is the variant without a base, so there's that.
The final list:
- Quagga A
- Quagga B
- Surprise A - dark bay overo matte, run of 950
- Surprise B - chestnut sabino matte, run of 950 (the greenware was a run of 650)
- This is My Fight Song - the baseless variant was a run of 875, the "normal" variant is a run of 1,625
- Wild Things A - both the normal chestnut run of 1,950 (the green variant is a run of 1,050
- Wild Things B
- Percy A & B
- Athenian Lady
- Blue Zeus
- Just Like Fire, the Classic
- Better than Revenge, the fruit-stripe Fjord
- the 4-pack of single-day Stablemates in deco dapples
- the 5-piece Best of Breyerfest SM set
Holy cow, maybe I need to spend less at BFest. Eight Traditionals, 11 Stablemates, a Classic, and two plushies.
Also. I get that Breyer is using this waffleweave paper instead of bubble wrap, to try and be more eco-friendly. But when the packers don't expand the waffle paper, and it's just left flat, it offers crap all in the way of protection. They can do better.
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