Friday, December 21, 2018

Darley, Fruitcakes, and Unicorns

My last SM Club horse was delivered early, along with the ride-along Unicorn. 

 Darley's not bad, he just looks awkward with that front leg.  I think he'll look much better without a white face - it hides whatever detailing is there.  Mirado and Coco also had that problem. 

The Mystery Unicorn is #10 that I've ordered from Breyer, since I haven't made it to a local source.  With this one, I'm up to 7 Uni-clydes and 3 Magnolias, but at least I've got both colors on each mold.  Seven identical uni-clydes would have been too much. 

Poor Magnolia, though, got dropped less than 5 minutes after I opened her.  The horn didn't break, just half an ear.  Unfortunately, the horn would have been easier to find - I still can't find the ear.  Things bounce and slide on hardwood, and if it's under the dishwasher or fridge, it's essentially gone for good. At least it's the right ear, so I could still photo-show her if I wanted to.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


So, Breyer had the Fruitcake Fillies, and I am a sucker.  Ordered 4, on the two CC accounts, and ended up with three coral and a purple.  At least the second order wasn't another set of twins.  I've got a trade in progress to get a green, so now I just need a blue.  Because I've got this growing accidental collection of blue and purple horses somehow.  Odyssey, a Stone Space Pony, the blue Calvin, Under the Sea, a Stone Morgan in one of the pinkish gemstone colors, a Copenhagen Sailor from the VC.  I'm sure there are more I've forgotten.

Now, I solemnly swear - no more Breyers until the Christmas Day surprise, and I really hope I don't like it.  Tuition went up again this year, so I've dropped my Vintage Club membership for next year, and while I got drawn for a Hawthorn this week (from one freaking entry), I let it go to the waitlist.  I don't own a Hog, but I can find a cheaper one for the collection. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

I am a sucker

 I apparently have no resistance for Breyer sometimes.  I didn't go for the common grab bags, but then they had a Grab Bag for the SM Club.  It was horses from 2017, which is the year I forgot to join, and since I only have 3 of the 9 possible horses, I thought my odds would be decent.  And I was REALLY hoping for a roan Fylkir.

Nope.  So far I'd bought Coco, Wolfgang, and Zahara secondhand.  And look which two I got in my grab bag.  Coco and Wolfgang, of course.  Other people got roan Fylkirs, though.

Then, today, a Collectors Club sneak peek, the Fruitcake Fillies.  And I ordered 2.  If I weren't trying to cut back, I'd order 2 more on Daniel's account.  I'm really wanting a purple one. 

Friday, September 28, 2018


Bogeyman is here.

And, thanks to watching Chuck on Prime (I just finished season 4), my next showable horse will be named "Guys I Know Kung Fu" - gotta do it.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Estate-sale Wildlife

I had some estate sale luck recently, purely by luck.  There was an estate sale within walking distance of home.  I stupidly forgot to look at the pictres that the company posts online until the second day of the sale.  About the time the sale opened, I took a quick look through the pictures and saw this one.  And promptly put my shoes on and hustled for the sale.  


Unfortunately, I got there in time to see a fellow bringing up an armload to pay for, including a few (Moose, Bighorn) that weren't in the picture, and the foals.  I never saw the bull at all, darn it, but I did come home with all the non-horse critters.  Not sure why no one grabbed them, unless it's because most of them aren't marked as Breyer.  They were all half-price for the second day, and all in decent shape other than the buck.  He's got a broken angler, but has the piece, and for $5 for the pair I couldn't pass them up.  

I'm pretty sure I've got a deer family, and the Holi the Breyerfest elephant, but this is my first Kitten and German Shepherd.  I'm calling the Kitten Kittenzilla, because the scales are sooooo wild.  Kittenzilla could eat SMs for a snack, and have a Classic for lunch.

(9/10/18 postdated)

Monday, June 11, 2018


Three Callahans arrived.  The ride-along SMs meant boxes in good shape, unlike some of the pictures I've been seeing of the white boxes used for mailing.  Oy vey.

I got one silver filigree and a pair of silver dapple bays, so I'll be trying to swap one for the palomino. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Good grief

Apparently, last week (5/30) one of my Collector accounts was pulled from the Rialto wait list.  And I just saw the email today. 

I've got my Rialto already, from the other account, but why couldn't I have gotten a Kaibab instead?  :)  

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Oh Breyer

Beryer, Breyer, Breyer.

I know I'm not saving up for BreyerFest, and I'm not even having anyone pick up horses for me this year, but jeez.  Between the Vintage Club, SM Club, the VC "bonus" horse Tanner, getting picked for a Rialto, and good grief all the Web Specials, my willpower has taken a beating.  Because I got two Fletchers - one glossy, one matte - and Starlet, and got a gorgeous sockless Koh-i-noor before they sold out, and now Callahan is when I found out that the third Collectors account that I thought had expired?  Hadn't expired.  So next Thursday I'll be getting 3 Callahans. 

I was just on Identify Your Breyer checking on the Shire mold releases.  Only the A Shire has been a RR so far, and possibly the wagon and pair would be considered a RR.  Everything else has been limited runs, although I've been lucky enough to get a Frosty, Flurry, and Triton. 

I really need to just stop reading any emails from Breyer.  My bank account would thank me.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lucky day

(In which it looks like I have the budget for lots of pricey horses.  Which I don't, really.  I just don't buy anything else, and don't remember to blog about the other ones. LOL)

Looks like I'll have a second horse from the America the Beautiful series on the shelf.  I "won" Arcadia when he was released, and now Rialto will join him.

I don't like the word "won" for these things.  We didn't win the horse as a prize, we won the chance to buy one. 

Friday, May 11, 2018

Estate sale hunting

Had some luck at the estate sales today. 

The donkey, according to the sticker, is from a company called Lugenes in Japan.  Both ears and both hind legs have breaks.  One ear is very well mended, the other has a chip missing.  Well worth 50 cents though.

German shephard and puppy are Hagen-Renaker.  Paid $4 each.  GS has his paper, marked with $2.50.  Puppy is missing half his tail. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Breyer has been hitting us collectors pretty hard lately.  In the past couple of weeks, they've had Tanner, Starlet, and now Koh-i-noor available.  And I'm pretty sure I just saw an email for one of their test-run "opportunities" that I can't afford.

My Koh-i-noor arrived today, and I got the no-socks version I was kind of wanting - would have been happy with any of them, but I prefer masked socks.  Mine has a couple of tiny flaws in the gloss, but nothing to quibble about.  And he even stands without his base, although I'll be getting one for him.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

Incoming! Ulysses

The first Vintage Club horse for the year is up for purchasing. 

Ulysses is on the way, with a couple of SMs for repainting purposes and to ensure a double layer of cardboard.  He's the Legionario III mold in black dapple, the same color as the Indian Pony from earlier in the VC.  I'm planning to name mine Danziger or something along those lines, referring to a TV series from 20+ years ago called Earth 2.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The first horses of 2018

I intend to be more careful in adding to the herd this year.  Too many other things that need to be focused on (especially financially).

But, it didn't take long to add a few horses.  I went to Walmart this week, after BrickSeek said that the local store had Skyler the unicorn.  BrickSEek was right, and I came home with Skyler and a couple of the SM and Mini Whinnie mystery bags.  I did a good job feeling up the bags - came home with the mystery Mini along with a chestnut, and the mystery green-gold Friesian, plus the appaloosa warmblood and grey TWH.  

 The Fresian is glossy, and had a stronger odor than the other two when I opened him.  I'm guessing it's the gloss.  He's better now.

The chestnut has a wonky leg and won't stand at the moment.  And I really need to figure out which way Silver is supposed to attach to the stand.  Right now he's got a Superman vibe going on.