Saturday, June 2, 2018

Oh Breyer

Beryer, Breyer, Breyer.

I know I'm not saving up for BreyerFest, and I'm not even having anyone pick up horses for me this year, but jeez.  Between the Vintage Club, SM Club, the VC "bonus" horse Tanner, getting picked for a Rialto, and good grief all the Web Specials, my willpower has taken a beating.  Because I got two Fletchers - one glossy, one matte - and Starlet, and got a gorgeous sockless Koh-i-noor before they sold out, and now Callahan is when I found out that the third Collectors account that I thought had expired?  Hadn't expired.  So next Thursday I'll be getting 3 Callahans. 

I was just on Identify Your Breyer checking on the Shire mold releases.  Only the A Shire has been a RR so far, and possibly the wagon and pair would be considered a RR.  Everything else has been limited runs, although I've been lucky enough to get a Frosty, Flurry, and Triton. 

I really need to just stop reading any emails from Breyer.  My bank account would thank me.

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