Monday, October 13, 2008

Delia's here

UPS just delivered my Delia, the web special that Breyer announced earlier this month. It's a run of 500, a Lady Phase in a dappled chestnut with three socks and a blaze.

- Breyer could do a better job of packing. Delia was bagged and bubble wrapped (extra around the ears), but then she was stuffed into a box with maybe an inch of space on any side. When I unboxed mine, it was one layer of bubble wrap away from a tail rub.
- If Breyer wants to keep using the Lady Phase mold (and I really hope they do), they need to do some work on the mold (and on educating their prep crew). Aside from the lazy eye, the forelock area really needs some help. I'm not sure if it's just overzealous prepping on the blanks, or if the detail in that area is totally lost. Either way, the LPs I've got have this strange flat area between the ears and down the front of the face. There's still some forelock visible off to the right side, but the rest is sort of vague at best.
- My Delia did get a little too much Dremeling (or whatever they do) on the top of her mane. It's a bit too flat on top, and visibly flatter than either my Wedgwood Treasure Hunt LP or Treasured Moves. (Both of those have varying amounts of flatness along their neck.)

Overall, the color is really nice, but not one of the more "WOW!!!" colors. The dappling is very subtle, which I much prefer, and it's "real" dappling, not that weird resist-dappling that Breyer likes so much. There are nice eye-whites (calm, not freaking out), and a bit of pinking at the nose end of the blaze. She's not a real eyecatcher at first, but once you start looking, she's very nicely done. I wouldn't hesitate to take her to a live show, but she may be overshadowed if there's a lot of flash on the table.

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