Tuesday, February 12, 2008


As promised, pics of the Hagen-Renaker Mini Morgans.

The mare, who is beautiful. The first picture is more her true color, although I'd love it if she'd been closer to the color of the second picture.

And the stallion. He's very sooty, for lack of a better word, especially on the "show" side. Not what I would have picked if I'd had a choice, but that's the way it goes. And I wouldn't order something online and expect the seller to go through all 50 horses to find one in a certain shade, either. You pay the bill, you get the horse that was on top of the stack or whatever. He's still gorgeous, and I wish I had a safe place to display him. Unfortunately, until we move, he and the mare will be living in their shipping boxes. Sigh.

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