Thursday, February 28, 2008

A new Stone horse

Just got this guy in the mail yesterday.
He was a great deal on Ebay, $9.99 plus $10.50 shipping/handling. Of course, I'm trying to avoid Ebay, since the latest "upgrades" to fees and feedback. But, sadly, they get a lot of traffic, both from buyers and sellers.

Anyway, the PS woodgrain is really nice. The matte finish makes it look more like real wood; I've got a Breyer woodgrain (SM Andalusian from Breyerfest) that's more on the glossy side, and it makes the wood look a little more unrealistic.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


As promised, pics of the Hagen-Renaker Mini Morgans.

The mare, who is beautiful. The first picture is more her true color, although I'd love it if she'd been closer to the color of the second picture.

And the stallion. He's very sooty, for lack of a better word, especially on the "show" side. Not what I would have picked if I'd had a choice, but that's the way it goes. And I wouldn't order something online and expect the seller to go through all 50 horses to find one in a certain shade, either. You pay the bill, you get the horse that was on top of the stack or whatever. He's still gorgeous, and I wish I had a safe place to display him. Unfortunately, until we move, he and the mare will be living in their shipping boxes. Sigh.

Monday, February 11, 2008

New horses!

The mailman knocked on my door today, and left three boxes. Okay, one's for DH (my Valentine present), but the other two are horse-related.

The small box has my Hagen-Renaker mini Morgan stallion and mare, in a sooty-looking palomino. This is the second set that Ed sent; the first set went into the PO's Bermuda Triangle and still hasn't reappeared. But they're beautiful!

The big box is the 3 ISHs that I ordered from P.S. Cord - Pretty Consecutive, Andrea's Answer, and Definitely a Dunnit. Still have to pry them all out of the boxes, so pictures may appear soon.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Horses on the way

I've got a few horses on the way again. Ed Alcorn is re-shipping my palomino HR Morgan pair, since the first ones are lost somewhere in the postal system. Hopefully they'll surface at some point. And I got the shipping notification for my P.S. Cord order. They're having a sale, so I got three ISHs - Andrea's Answer, Pretty Consecutive, and Definitely a Dunnit. Hope they're nice ones.

The Stone company is getting a little outrageous, though. They aren't making any "regular run" type horses that I can see, just a lot of limited-run SRs with very high prices. From what I saw on their website this week, $90 seems to be the minimum for a Trad-scale model, and the smaller Pebbles and Chips aren't far behind. I can see why there aren't many CM'd Stone molds around anymore (other than factory CMs).

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


UPS delivered my Rubicon today! I would have had him yesterday, but we were out when UPS dropped by. Not the best pics, but they'll do for now.

Nice packing job from Breyer this time, he was double-boxed, with bubblewrap and paper. (My Mirror Image, and I think my Wedgwood Lady Phases, came in a single box with a little bubblewrap.) He looks pretty good so far, although the grey spots are puzzling me a bit. I got #62 or so out of 350.

I'm not the only fan, though. My son, aka El Burrito, took a shine to Rubicon as well. The "pony" got a pat on the nose,

and a toddler-style hug
and a kiss.
And yes, I was holding on to the Rubicon with my other hand. El Burrito's already taken out a Palouse accidentally. He's got his Schleich horses to play with, although he prefers cars right now.