Thursday, September 29, 2022

Great timing

 Breyer dropped the latest in the Classic-scale Gambler's Choice horses today:  Johann, the Lippzan Stallion in four glossy colors.  Luckily, today was my day off, so I could sit on the Collector's Club page for ten minutes, refreshing every minute or so, waiting for Johann to be available to order. 



Adding a copy of Breyer's promo shot was more difficult that I thought, thanks to the newish notion that everything should save as a webp file instead of JPG, and Blogger's non-support for webp format photos. But I persevered!!  I like all the colors, although of course I'm a long-time sucker for a nice palomino.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Halloween and TSC

 So, my acquisition of a TSC Jolene is getting complicated.  Some people say they aren't putting the horses out until the 19th of September, but other people have bought a Jolene already.  Local TSC claimed they were available for pickup, but my order was cancelled.  Then they were available for same-day delivery but not standard shipping.  And now if I want one, the closest one is 30 miles away.  My sister is driving in from Colorado next week, so I'm going to have her check a store along her route, and then I will just have to drive down to Jefferson City to get mine.  Assuming they still have one, that is. 

And then today was the day that Breyer's Halloween horses went on sale.  Of course I was at work at noon, and the only person at work.  Sigh.  Managed to get my orders in, although I didn't get my lunch finished.  Four of the blind-bag SMs, plus Maelstrom, Tabitha, and the plush, Skully.  Because I am a sucker for glow in the dark things.  Hopefully I will get all three of the SMs and won't have to swap a lot.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

TSC, or not so much

 And five minutes after I ordered Jolene, I got a cancellation email about the order.  No explanation.  Ah well. Maybe next week.

More new horses

 UPS delivered both of the post-Breyerfest boxes today.  Rapunzel, Franz, Chablis, and two Rotating Drafts - I ended up with the dapple gray pinto and the buckskin pinto, both matte.  Might try to trade the dapple gray for the blue pinto.  

And, I ordered one of the TSC exclusives, Jolene, online.  The website says it's available for curbside pickup here, but the store didn't have any out when I drove up yesterday.  So, I ordered it.  The blue FFA horse and the blind bag SMs aren't in stock, so I'll wait on those.  It's okay, I should get my TSC birthday coupon next week.  I just didn't want to risk Jolene selling out - I'm a fan of the Lady Phase in any tail, and a giant sucker for a dilute, especially a dunalino.

Friday, August 19, 2022

A good tip and a lucky day

 I got a tip from a hobby friend of mine, thanks to Facebook Messenger and a local flea mall that posts pictures online.  I got off work early today and had enough time to drive out there before school pickup time, so I took a little drive.  My friend has a good eye and she was right - she spotted a Special Run in one of the booth photos - the Classic Secretariat, on the Terrang Mold, from Hobby Center Toys in 1988.  The price was a whopping $15, so I grabbed him right away.  Missing a bit of an ear tip, and a few rubs, but the original run was only 1,000.  

While I was there and had some time, I walked around the rest of the antique mall.  Most of it, anyway.  I saw a lot of overpriced (in my opinion) Breyers, including some Family Arabian Foals ($29 each) and some Classic Arabian and Quarter Horse families that I'm pretty sure were there last time I was - which was about 3 years minimum.  I did find a pair of vintage Breyers that I decided to buy - the Western Horse and Fury, both in old brown pinto, with their saddles.  The Western Horse even has the older O-link reins. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Breyerfest - the Second Chance sale

 So, I may have set an alarm on my phone to remind me of the Second Chance sale.  And I may have then gotten on the internet from the basement of the library, and made two more orders of the Breyerfest Prost! leftovers.  

I ended up with one order of Franz and a Rotating Draft, and a second order with Chablis, Rapunzel, and a second Rotating Draft.  Franz, Chablis, and Rapunzel are all molds that I don't own yet, and Franz has a double attraction because he's blue, and I've got this growing collection of blue horses that started accidentally.  Needless to say, I'm also hoping for the blue pinto Rotating Draft. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

SM Club delivery

 The second horse for the Stablemate Club was delivered today, along with a pair of travel partners (hoping for the chase horses from the current series).  And, my luck is holding - a pair of Phineas, and two more of the pink blind bag horses, so as far as mold goes, I drew four of a kind.  

This makes at least four pink Prince Charmings.  They're the new version of my string of pink and green Drafters from a few years ago.   Prince Charming is nice enough, but the star dapples need some work. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Vintage Club Overload

 Covid must be messing with the shipping (still) - we've gotten two of the four Vintage Club models in one month.  

At the beginning of the month, Cooper the Appy Performance Horse showed up, with his vintage-style bareback pad and bridle.   He also has, instead of the normal Vintage Club belly stamp, the stamp for an upcoming Bird Series horse, Kingfisher.  Can't wait to see what the real Kingfisher looks like, and if it's on the same mold as Cooper here.

Then, just a few weeks later, Breyer released Sandman for purchase, Smoky the Cowhorse in a really nice red dun pinto with gloss.  And both eyes are looking in the same direction. 

 Other recent Breyer things:  My NaMoPaiMo horse for the year did get done before the deadline.  This year I painted a SM Iron Metal Chief as a nice buckskin.  I tried to blend the leg markings more, but it needs a little work. 

And I found two of these at the grocery store, one sort of light blue, the other fuschia.  They poop little tiny candy.

And Honeybear, the Collector's Club horse.  Gorgeous pinto, glossy, and chunky

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

I should buy a lottery ticket

 My luck, at least in Breyer-related things, is running over 90% lately.  Yes, I'm still looking for someone to swap my second cranberry Christmas Clyde for a silver, but on the other hand, I've been chosen recently for a Zugspitze, a Montana, and today a Cardinal, plus being able to get a Spice Drop (thanks to the ability to shop online on Christmas morning while being a passenger in a car going 70 MPH on the interstate). 

Breyer's put some simple colors on some older molds this month, and I'm seriously tempted by the Trakehner in a gorgeous chestnut and the QH Gelding with a lovely shaded palomino paint job, glossed. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Breyer confusion

 So, when I got my order with Zugspitze and the last round of SM Club horses last month, two boxes were delivered.  Identical shipping labels, right down to the same UPS tracking number on both boxes.  one had Zug, Twist, and the Addie & Leti foals.  The other had someone else's order entirely, with a packing slip for someone in Pennsylvania.  And one Twist had a pretty serious groove on one side, so I thought they might replace him.  

 So, I called Breyer, and was told someone would contact me about the replacement Twist and a call tag to return the wrong horses.  Waited two weeks and realized I hadn't been contacted.  Called again, was told i'd get a call back later that day.  Still nothing.  So I sent an email, with photos of Twist's groove and the error packing slip.  A week later, still no reply to the calls or email, but I do have a UPS email with a number for a replacement Twist.  But I still have a box here, taking up space, with a Baltazar, Le Mer, a Fairytale Club SM, and a stirrup ornament.  

Meanwhile, I've got one Twist with a painted-over groove, and one that won't stand because his hind legs need adjusting.  I've tried moving the leg once, but haven't gotten it to work yet.  The draft foal also has a wonky leg, so this is a work in progress.