Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Vintage Club Overload

 Covid must be messing with the shipping (still) - we've gotten two of the four Vintage Club models in one month.  

At the beginning of the month, Cooper the Appy Performance Horse showed up, with his vintage-style bareback pad and bridle.   He also has, instead of the normal Vintage Club belly stamp, the stamp for an upcoming Bird Series horse, Kingfisher.  Can't wait to see what the real Kingfisher looks like, and if it's on the same mold as Cooper here.

Then, just a few weeks later, Breyer released Sandman for purchase, Smoky the Cowhorse in a really nice red dun pinto with gloss.  And both eyes are looking in the same direction. 

 Other recent Breyer things:  My NaMoPaiMo horse for the year did get done before the deadline.  This year I painted a SM Iron Metal Chief as a nice buckskin.  I tried to blend the leg markings more, but it needs a little work. 

And I found two of these at the grocery store, one sort of light blue, the other fuschia.  They poop little tiny candy.

And Honeybear, the Collector's Club horse.  Gorgeous pinto, glossy, and chunky

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