Sunday, November 14, 2021

Another posting gap

Oops No pictures with this quick post, because new computer has no photos on the hard drive yet. Been on a bit of a buying spree, it seems. Last of the Vintage Club horses - a really nice Wedgwood Brighty named Nugget, and a glossy charcoal Marabella and foal (Ashley?) called Dusk and Dawn. Plus the bonus SM, a mini Smart Chic with Yellow Mount's paint job - mine was the no forearm spot version. Other purchases: Theo, a Brahma bull, a leopard Cheyenne at a price I could not cringe at, because he's missing the saddle and reins but only one small eartip. The Sucesion & Le Fire unicorns (Diadem and something) because it's the only affordable way I'll ever get that set. I thought of buying the original RR release, but passed on it, waiting for a color I liked better. Which hasn't happened.

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