Friday, September 18, 2020

Good grief, Breyer

 Again with "when it rains, it pours" Breyer style.  On Tuesday, the last horse for the Vintage Club this year was available.  So, $140 out the door for Zahra and a SM ride-along. I'm hoping for the glossy bay.  I'd want the palomino, but those dapples look way too obvious.



And then, in good Breyer fashion, yesterday they put the Halloween horses up.   

Halloween 2020 Collection

I've already got Apparition, but had to get the glow-in-the-dark Classic Ratsputin, and the blind bag SMs, and the free Halloween plushie.  And then today, went back for 2 more SMs so I can have a chance at the whole set.  But with today's order, the Club discount worked, so $4.99 off.  

So, I must avoid eBay for a while.  And any other temptation to buy more horses.  

The planned purchases for the rest of the year: 

  • Holiday Horse - when TSC puts out stock and sends my birthday discount
  • SMC Valerio x2 (the Alby gambler's choice)
  • SMC #6 x2 - the new stock mare mold
  • SMC bonus horse - the dapple grey mini Clydesdale Stallion
  • Anniversary SMs - if TSC has some out so I can feel them
  • maybe Barrington, the bonus VC horse
  • maybe whatever surprise horse they come up with for Christmas

And I think that's it.   I hope that's it.  Quicken told me what I'd spent on Breyers for the year so far, a few weeks ago, and it was a scary and depressing and surprising number.

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