Wednesday, March 11, 2020

New horses, with a stowaway

I met a local hobbyist (Tracy) in town yesterday - she'd bought a bunch of models from someone in her area, and I bought a few from her.  Also sold her a blue chase Alborozo.  So we met to swap horses. 

I now have the palomino Grazing Mare and Adios that I've been looking for. And the Elk!  Got him free, since he's got a bum antler.  Turned out that it's been broken before and was pinned, but broke at the original break.  But it should be a fairly easy fix. 

And, there was a stowaway gift - the vintage bay Stretch Morgan I've also been hunting for a while!!  He's even got eyewhites, and is practically mint.  Hobby people are good people. 


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