Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Goals in progress

Progress has been made on some of the hobby goals.

*  I spent a few hours sorting through the pile of available (reachable, not packed) Stablemates.  So far, I've got about 50 packed up for the upcoming swap meet.  At least 20 more are waiting to be packed up.  And while most of my herd is boxed away, There are a couple of bookcases full that I can get to, and I may weed through those for duplicates.

*  I've been making a list, ever-growing, of horses that need to be fixed.  I need to search for some Youtube tutorials on repairing.  I found a Facebook group, but so many of the questions asked there are never answered.  ModelHorseBlab has a forum for "Finishing, Prepping, and Repairing" but 90% of it seems to be on customizing.  I've been going through the whole forum.  There are 88 pages of threads, 30 threads per page; I started at the end, working forward to newest posts, and am up to page 24 now.  So far, I've found a dozen or so threads that are helpful.

I need to look through my old JAH issues and see if I can find the articles on repairs that they printed.  Somewhere in the house, I've also got most of the back issues of the Hobby Horse News magazine, which may also have some articles; I can't remember if I saw any or not.  I've found mentions of a couple of hobby-produced books; one is on Amazon at $12.95 for a 36-page book.  The other one seems to have disappeared. 

Pinterest seems to have some resources, but I really, REALLY don't want a Pinterest account.  My list of unstarted and unfinished projects is long enough as it is. 

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