Friday, January 3, 2020

2019 Model Wrap-up

I did a little work with the model spreadsheet last night, after people on Facebook were sharing their favorite 5 models of the year. 

Based on my numbers, I bought or otherwise acquired 208 models last year.  That includes
  • 12 Traditionals
  • 15 Classics
  • 3 Mini Whinnies
  • 2 Porcelain Breyers (the white Circus Ponies)
  • 2 Marx
  • 1 Gladys Brown Edwards trophy
  • 3 Hartlands
  • 1 awesome Hartland clock with horse
  • 3 CollectAs
  • 5 Lakeshores
  • and a whopping 153 Stablemates
The Stablemate flood is all because of the darned blind bags and trying to find the silver and blue Albys.  Which I finally found.  But there are 7 of the pink and green Clydes, 6 chestnut ASBs (I was trying to find a flaxen-mane variation) and a dozen each of the teal Alby and purple Magnolia.  One of the goals for 2020 has got to be thinning out the duplicate SMs, because sheesh.  

Some of the highlights:

The Christmas Candy Cane

Purple unicorn, and unicorn foals

A Lakeshore Status Symbol SR

Corbin, from the Stablemate Club (can't wait to see him in a color with some face color)

Another Lakeshore SR, 1 of 4, that I got in a barter deal (i.e. practically free)

I finally got two of the Tartan Ponies from 10+ years ago, thanks to a lovely Blab member.

This year's Halloween Horse, the lovely glow-in-the-dark Samhain

The Spooky Stablemates - I got all three!

My luckiest day - I took a chance on the Stablemate Club grab bags, and got a Fylkir!  And even the color I wanted most.

Bought a lovely deco Iris, to go with the silver-bay Iris I got.

Hagen-Renaker Drunk birds SR

Found a second curio cabinet, and have it pretty full.

Candy Cane and Clubs

The first horse of 2020 (*) is Candy Cane.  Who technically isn't a horse, but an equid. 

My blue horse herd continues, because I got the blue Candy Cane today.  Was kind of hoping for the 1-of-12 random Licorice, but then I'd feel guilty and think about selling it because that's a lot of money.

I was a little surprised to find the box in the mailbox, not on the doormat.  This is the first Zebra I've seen in person, and it's smaller than I realized. 

(*) Technically, Candy Cane was paid for on Christmas Day, but it's the first horse in the door for 2020.  And usually I date my spreadsheet by the day the critter is actually in my hands. 

In other news, I was sucked back into the Vintage Club for 2020, mostly because of the In-Between Mare.  And then Breyer announced the horses for the Stablemate Club, and the darn Mini Alborozo is the Gambler's Choice model for this year.  So after much waffling and calculating numbers, I signed up for a second membership, because I figure (as do other people) that the secondary-market prices for Alby are going to be high enough that the second membership will be cheaper than buying one on eBay or whereever. 

Figuring that the club, plus the Collector's Club membership, will run about $180, and guessing that I can sell 4 of the duplicate models for about $20 each (a loss of $5-10 each), that makes the Alby portion around $100. 

Gah.  I'm actually talking about $100 SMs without cringing.