Sunday, November 10, 2019

Curio #2, and SM shelves

Recent news:  Found a new curio cabinet at my favorite local thrift store.  Only $90.  I waited 20 minutes to see if my husband could get to the store (he works next door) and take a look, then decided the heck with that, and bought it.  So that's what I used my birthday money on this year.  It's really nice, although I'm not crazy about the light placement. 

And at Goodwill, found a media shelf that will do great for SMs, only $6.  Had to do a little tweaking, since this one has a black interior.  But, putting white paper on the back (a very tricky thing, getting it flat and getting the shelves in without wrinkling it), and scrapbook paper on the shelves, made a big difference in visibility.  
On the other hand, the tippy models can't go in this one - I can't wax them to the paper, since it's not attached to the shelves.  So, Friesians, the pawing Lusitano, and a couple others will have to go in the other shelf, so I can wax their tippy little dominoing selves down. 

 Shelf with scrapbook paper

 Shelf with white paper behind.
Finished adjustments.  Just need to rearrange and fill it up. 

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