Friday, December 21, 2018

Darley, Fruitcakes, and Unicorns

My last SM Club horse was delivered early, along with the ride-along Unicorn. 

 Darley's not bad, he just looks awkward with that front leg.  I think he'll look much better without a white face - it hides whatever detailing is there.  Mirado and Coco also had that problem. 

The Mystery Unicorn is #10 that I've ordered from Breyer, since I haven't made it to a local source.  With this one, I'm up to 7 Uni-clydes and 3 Magnolias, but at least I've got both colors on each mold.  Seven identical uni-clydes would have been too much. 

Poor Magnolia, though, got dropped less than 5 minutes after I opened her.  The horn didn't break, just half an ear.  Unfortunately, the horn would have been easier to find - I still can't find the ear.  Things bounce and slide on hardwood, and if it's under the dishwasher or fridge, it's essentially gone for good. At least it's the right ear, so I could still photo-show her if I wanted to.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


So, Breyer had the Fruitcake Fillies, and I am a sucker.  Ordered 4, on the two CC accounts, and ended up with three coral and a purple.  At least the second order wasn't another set of twins.  I've got a trade in progress to get a green, so now I just need a blue.  Because I've got this growing accidental collection of blue and purple horses somehow.  Odyssey, a Stone Space Pony, the blue Calvin, Under the Sea, a Stone Morgan in one of the pinkish gemstone colors, a Copenhagen Sailor from the VC.  I'm sure there are more I've forgotten.

Now, I solemnly swear - no more Breyers until the Christmas Day surprise, and I really hope I don't like it.  Tuition went up again this year, so I've dropped my Vintage Club membership for next year, and while I got drawn for a Hawthorn this week (from one freaking entry), I let it go to the waitlist.  I don't own a Hog, but I can find a cheaper one for the collection.