No pictures (yet) but I finally had some decent luck at one of the local flea market/antique malls last week. I found a white Western Horse with o-ring reins and a snap saddle, an Appy FAS, and a small Hartland family. The Western Horse is missing one side of the girth and an eartip, but should clean up nicely, and the Hartland foal is minus half a leg, but still stands.
These were reasonably priced, all from the same dealer. Said dealer, however, still wants $19 for a Stretch Morgan who's missing a leg, and $20 (firm) for a Snowball pony that has so many marks I don't think he'd ever look decent. It's missing the accessories, too. Everything else was 20% off, and if Snowball had been included in the discount, I might have bought him. He's been there for over a year now, no budging on the price. This is the same dealer I got my charcoal Fighting Stallion from - there was a black pinto Western Horse in the same booth for the longest time, I think priced at $60 firm. It's gone, so I guess someone finally bought it.
The oddest thing is how rare it is to see Hartlands around here, since they were semi-local. This set is the only the second time that I've seen any around here, at least that I recognize - I tend to skip over the Styrene and other cheap-plastic horses, and almost missed the Hartland mark on this set.
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