Friday, September 17, 2010

JCPenney SRs

My set of the JCPenney Stablemates was delivered this week. First time I've seen any of the G4 molds. Of the 3 in the set, I like the "dressage horse" the best. The "Para dressage" horse is so-so - the feet look gigantic, and something about the head/neck area looks a tiny bit off to my eye. The "endurance horse" also isn't bad overall, other than (mine anyway) having blobby ears.

I do wish the factory workers would be a little more careful cleaning seams on the SMs. (Not to complain - I've got vintage SMs with atrocious seams.) At least one of my SMs had some overzealous seam-cleaning, and ended up with a flat surface on the front of a hoof.

I do love the red bay on the Shetland. I'd like that color on almost any mold.

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