Wednesday, September 29, 2010


After 4 years, I've finally sent my UVM Yesteryear off to be painted. I hope it turns out well; it was a spur-of-the-moment decision based on an artist's post to HaynetExchange, offering limited painting slots this fall.

Friday, September 17, 2010

JCPenney SRs

My set of the JCPenney Stablemates was delivered this week. First time I've seen any of the G4 molds. Of the 3 in the set, I like the "dressage horse" the best. The "Para dressage" horse is so-so - the feet look gigantic, and something about the head/neck area looks a tiny bit off to my eye. The "endurance horse" also isn't bad overall, other than (mine anyway) having blobby ears.

I do wish the factory workers would be a little more careful cleaning seams on the SMs. (Not to complain - I've got vintage SMs with atrocious seams.) At least one of my SMs had some overzealous seam-cleaning, and ended up with a flat surface on the front of a hoof.

I do love the red bay on the Shetland. I'd like that color on almost any mold.