Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Horses

UPS delivered my JCPenney Stablemates today. This set was shipped from Lenexa KS, apparently, if anyone's keeping track of JCP's shipping warehouses. (*)

The packing could use some help; not sure if that's a Breyer issue or a JCP issue. The horses were in individual bags, with one strip of bubble wrap. From the bottom of the box it was bubble wrap (1 layer), 3 horses, BW, 3 horses, BW, 4 horses, BW, sheet of cardboard, poster, box catalog. And about an inch of empty space at the top. The horses aren't damaged, though. I think the plastic, which is fairly thick, keeps things from rubbing too badly.

* JCP has weird issues with stocking. If something's out of stock at the local-to-you shipping center, they don't seem to want to ship your order from another area. On at least two occasions now, I've had to ship a JCP order to my sister in Michigan because the Missouri region was sold out. It's a pain in the neck, honestly.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


First off, my Friesian was delivered on Monday. Gorgeous little guy, and the repaired ear looks better than the photos of it. Should be easy enough to finish fixing it.

Now I'm trying to decide what to do about the JCPenney Christmas SRs, since the Journeyman/Bouncer set is available to backorder. I want the Stablemates set and the 2-horse set. I just need to decide whether to order them together, get free shipping, and wait until November for the SMs, or order separately and pay $6 to get the SMs faster. Oh, and decide whether to take my chances on one of each set, or order two each in case of flaws (since there are a lot of reports about lousy paint jobs and such).

Decisions, decisions.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

More shopping

I just bought this guy, a North Light Friesian, on MHSP last night.

He's got a repaired ear that needs a bit of work, but he's also got some NAN cards, and the price was pretty good.

I'm apparently a bit of a Friesian junkie. I've got, at last count, 2 Schleich Friesians, 2 of the porcelain ornaments that Breyer did a few years ago, Goffert, JB Andrew, and Sheryl Leisure's Thor resin. I've been lusting after a NL Friesian for a few years now, and got lucky last night. I was browsing through the newest MHSP ads, since DH was watching more political convention fun on TV, and ran across the ad.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Wish List

For your amusement, here's a list of models (Breyer and otherwise) that I'd like to have at some point. And I fully realize that I'll either have to win the lottery or settle for pictures of some of them. :)

  1. Nautical
  2. Tortuga
  3. Galahad
  4. QVC Black Beauty (Silver mold)
  5. Smoke Western Prancer
  6. Running mares and/or foals in almost any color I don't have already - especially smoke and red roan
  7. Any of the Hagen-Renaker mold SM Morgan Stallion, especially early ones without the thick legs
  8. the random charcoal Silver from the Pegasus treasure hunt
  9. Any of the Classic QHs and Mustangs (the Maureen Love horses)
  10. Porcelain SM Flamenca
  11. porcelain Tang horse from Breyerfest 2008
  12. the Ponokah Eemetah models I need to fill out my set