Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Flea Market Finds

I got to go to a couple of flea market/antique malls this week, and actually (for a change) found something worth buying. Usually, all I find are bashed-around Breyers with astronomical price tags: $35 for a Misty with missing paint and large Crayon decorations, $50 for a "vintage Breyer" that was actually a common-as-dirt lemon-yellow FAS, and so on.

I still found a good population of overpriced Breyers this time, but I also found, and bought, a Hartland grazing mare and a dapple grey "Noble Jumper" (Halla mold). The Hartland is the first one I've seen in real life that I know of, and the first I've bought. She's a nice dapple grey, and other than a slightly bent foreleg, there are only a few small rubs. Considering that she was just stuck on a shelf and not in a glass case, she's in lovely shape. The Halla is also grey, Breyer's lovely splatter dapples, but again, in lovely condition. She was in a glass case, and I thought worth the $15 price. Also in the case were two old SMs, missing large amounts of paint, for $5 each, and the stallion from the Classic Andalusian family, for $10 I think.

1 comment:

Jen said...

My mom made the mistake of buying me the Classic Andalusian Family after taking me to see the *real* Lippizaner Stallions when they toured the US. I was 5 or something. Yeah, if that wasn't a way to cement a love of horses that would last for a life, I don't know what was.

I've still got the Andalusians - and a kajillion other Breyers (and a few HR's, and a Hartland Shiriif) from the late 80's and early 90's when I started collecting them before getting my first real horse.

Some day the bean will have a Breyer or two... of course he'll probably want to blow it up.