Wednesday, January 26, 2022

I should buy a lottery ticket

 My luck, at least in Breyer-related things, is running over 90% lately.  Yes, I'm still looking for someone to swap my second cranberry Christmas Clyde for a silver, but on the other hand, I've been chosen recently for a Zugspitze, a Montana, and today a Cardinal, plus being able to get a Spice Drop (thanks to the ability to shop online on Christmas morning while being a passenger in a car going 70 MPH on the interstate). 

Breyer's put some simple colors on some older molds this month, and I'm seriously tempted by the Trakehner in a gorgeous chestnut and the QH Gelding with a lovely shaded palomino paint job, glossed. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Breyer confusion

 So, when I got my order with Zugspitze and the last round of SM Club horses last month, two boxes were delivered.  Identical shipping labels, right down to the same UPS tracking number on both boxes.  one had Zug, Twist, and the Addie & Leti foals.  The other had someone else's order entirely, with a packing slip for someone in Pennsylvania.  And one Twist had a pretty serious groove on one side, so I thought they might replace him.  

 So, I called Breyer, and was told someone would contact me about the replacement Twist and a call tag to return the wrong horses.  Waited two weeks and realized I hadn't been contacted.  Called again, was told i'd get a call back later that day.  Still nothing.  So I sent an email, with photos of Twist's groove and the error packing slip.  A week later, still no reply to the calls or email, but I do have a UPS email with a number for a replacement Twist.  But I still have a box here, taking up space, with a Baltazar, Le Mer, a Fairytale Club SM, and a stirrup ornament.  

Meanwhile, I've got one Twist with a painted-over groove, and one that won't stand because his hind legs need adjusting.  I've tried moving the leg once, but haven't gotten it to work yet.  The draft foal also has a wonky leg, so this is a work in progress.