Tuesday, August 13, 2019

SM Club Iris

The latest horse from the Stablemate Club arrived today.  Made it a day early, since UPS brought it instead of handing off to the USPS. This one is the Gamblers' Choice horse - the Highland Pony in either pinto, silver bay, cremello Appy, or blue and gold Deco.

I was hoping for the Deco, since I've got a collection of blue horses.  Second choice was the cremello, since I've got the Pony in roan pinto and silver dapple/dark palomino already.  So, which one did I get?  The silver bay, of course. 

Don't get me wrong, she's drop dead gorgeous.  But, that Deco!!  If it were anything but the Gamblers' Choice, I'd just buy a Deco and keep both.  But, seeing what the other GC horses are selling for, not really an option.  Off to the swap group on Facebook I go. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Estate Sale (August 2)

One of the local estate-sale companies posted some pics with Breyers for a recent sale, so of course I went.  Hauled the not-a-morning-person kiddo out to go with me.  Another local collector wasn't going, but asked me to pick up a couple for her if the prices were right.  And they were. 

I picked up the black wolf, cougar, Custom kit horse, and Spirit for Tracy.  Wolf and Cougar were a screaming deal at $2 each.

The Duchess, Frolic Foal, and SMs are mine.  Most of what the owner had was from the Wild Mustangs Walmart sets, so lots of Mesteno series molds, which I'm not a fan of.  I didn't have the Duchess, though, and she's almost mint.  The SMs were the real score for me, especially this one.

Only $1, he was only released for a couple of years with the Horse Crazy card game.  Missing half his off-side ear, but still fine for photo showing, if I watch the angles. 

Friday, August 2, 2019

Lakeshores Anonymous part 2

Part 2 of the Lakeshore binge - more Houdinis. 

Top one is the RR chestnut, courtesy of Cindy's post-Breyerfest sale.   He cost me a whole $65, since there was a glitch with the discount code and Cindy honored the glitch price after I let her know there was a problem. 

Bottom one is the RR pinto - found for $50 including postage on MHSP.  He was sold as PSQ, but I can't find any flaws on him yet. 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Goodwill find

Every now and then I find a horse-shaped something at Goodwill.  This time it was a Marx horse for a whole $3.

This time I found it in the toy section.  Last time, the FAM and Boxer were on the other side of the store in the knick-knacks and decorations aisle.  Which is why I go through the whoooooole store every time.