Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Vintage Club - Quinn

I managed to forget to renew my SM Club membership, but I did join the Vintage Club again.  The Classic QH Family were what definitely sucked me back in. 

Quinn is the second horse for the year (and it's only March!), after the Clydesdale mare and foal.  They did an amazing job on the masking, I could only find one fuzzy area on mine so far. 

The vintage carrying-case box is also lovely.  I don't have many of those, so I'm liking that option for this year.

Mid MO Model Maniacs 2017

Shock of shocks - two live shows in less than a year.  I didn't buy anything (forgot to grab cash before we left), but that only really hurt when I was looking at the Copperfox Ambassador's display and that grey Percival is yummy.  Finnegan is nice in person, can't really see the supposed hoof issue.  The Exmoor still doesn't do anything for me, and I'm iffy on the Connemara so far. 

Different judges, so the Paso that got Reserve last fall got nothing this time.  But the other Paso got a Reserve. 

My only resin, a buckskin Yesteryear, NAN'd again, but no ribbon this time.

I did get a Reserve Light Breed with a CollectA Morgan - the ribbon may have cost more than he did.